Start Eating These 12 Foods Every Day And Watch Your Eyesight Improve - Guide for Healthy Tips





Aging presents inevitable process of every human life. You need to understand that the people with the period of aging are losing everything, the hair, the eyesight, the melanin, the pain in the joint starts and etc.

These are the problems are those which are coming with this process and that process is inevitable.

In addition to this post we are going to present you the foods that you need to consume in order to improve your eyesight, and stop losing it.

The shape and length of your eyeballs and the thickness of your eye lens affect your ability to see things close-up and at a distance. Your retina, located at the back of your eye, also contains light-sensitive cells that are critical for good vision.


In addition to this post we are going to present you what you what was announced into BBC.

“Lutein and zeaxanthin are found commonly in dark green leafy veg such as kale and spinach, and also bell peppers, corn and saffron. Meso-zeaxanthin is generally not found in plants — it is thought to be made in our bodies from lutein (although it is also present in some fish … ) These pigments, once we eat them, appear to be important in our vision and in helping keep the macula healthy.”

You need to consume Lutein and Zeaxanthin.

They are described as the ingredients which are high in the vision improved nutrients and you won’t regret if you consume it.

“The results of my tests were both fascinating and depressing. My detection of yellow and blue colors was extremely poor — something that [Professor John] Barbur said was likely the result of my brush with diabetes many years ago,”Mosley writes.

My night vision and perception of details were also poor compared with younger people — but consistent with my age. The Trust Me team then handed me a 90-day supply of supplement pills that were supposed to help.”

The ingredient into the text above contains the lutein and zeaxanthin and they will help you after 3 months of consumption.

It was proven that you need to consume 10 milligrams of lutein daily and 2 mg per day for zeaxanthin.

You will get back the normal vision and you won’t have any problems with the vision.

“Should we all, then, be taking supplements to protect and even improve our eyesight? Well, the research certainly shows that supplements work,” Mosley writes.

“Even for someone like me, who has a relatively healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, and whose blood levels of the compounds that weren’t particularly low, the supplements helped. However, some researchers believe that diet can simply be enough, if we eat the right things.”

You can consume these nutrients by consuming a lot of green leafy vegetables  like kale and spinach, because they are found in them.

One study was made and the results we are going to present you in addition just like the authors said:

“Most of the dark green leafy vegetables, previously recommended for a higher intake of lutein and zeaxanthin, have 15 [to] 47 percent of lutein, but a very low content (0 to 3 percent) of zeaxanthin.

You can also consume egg yolk which presents good source of these nutrient. SO it will improve the eye health too. Planes con niños en Valencia

Eggs from free-range, pastured hens have bright orange yolks, which is an indication of their elevated lutein and zeaxanthin content. Dull, pale yellow yolks are a sure sign you’re getting eggs form caged hens fed an unnatural grain diet, and hence will have low amounts of these valuable nutrients.

From all lutein rich foods we are going to present you how much you can consume.

In addition we are going to present you one chart in which you will see the foods with the containing quantities of lutien.

According to the latest news it was proved that higher consumption of Vitamin C will prevents the cataracts which presents the most common vision loss causer.

You need to consume citrus fruits just like oranges; lemons and limes will help you in increasing the levels of Vitamin C.

Especially the ingredient you should consume is Acerola cherries.

Each cherry only has 1 calorie but 80 mg of vitamin C and the associated micronutrients. I have two of these trees in my front yard and for months I am able to gather 50 to 70 cherries a day. It is by far my favorite and healthiest fruit.

You also need to consume a lot of omega 3 fats in order to eliminate the diabetics and blindness.

It was also proved that you need to consume a lot of omega 3 fats which the most are concentrated in the fish. In order to prevent blindness you will consume a lot of fish.

It will also prevent you from developing different diseases, which is a great benefit from you.

Marine sources that are high in omega-3 and low in environmental pollutants include:

  • Wild Alaskan salmon (which also contains astaxanthin — one of the most potent promoters of eye health; see below)

  • Small fatty, cold-water fish such as herring, sardines and anchovies

  • Fish roe

  • Krill oil

You need to consume Bilberry because it will provide you the ingredients which are needed for good vision and you will never eliminate it.

Also people who led this study claimed that:

“When looking for a bilberry supplement for the eye, choose one that also includes 10 to 20 mg lutein and 1 to 2 mg zeaxanthin. Patients should target 80 to 160 mg daily. Those seeking prevention of eye disease, or just protection of the cells, can target 40 to 80 mg daily in combination with other antioxidant vitamins or in fruit combinations, such as blueberry/bilberry/raspberry.”

Also you need to consume vegetables and fruits which will make you human with improved vision.

Preventing damage to the docosahexaenoic acid (DHA — an essential animal-based omega-3 fat) in your retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE), which is responsible for converting the photons from sunlight into electrons via the photoelectric effect that Einstein received a Nobel prize for in 1921. These electrons provide a vital DC electric current that your body needs for optimal functioning

You need to keep your diet regime on healthy food, and also you don’t have to put aside the exercising. It will bring you the improvement for the overall health, and eyesight is not exclusion.

Start Eating These 12 Foods Every Day And Watch Your Eyesight Improve - Guide for Healthy Tips

Start Eating These 12 Foods Every Day And Watch Your Eyesight Improve - Guide for Healthy Tips

Aging presents inevitable process of every human life. You need to understand that the people with the period of aging are losing everything, the hair, the eye





Start Eating These 12 Foods Every Day And Watch Your Eyesight Improve - Guide for Healthy Tips
Start Eating These 12 Foods Every Day And Watch Your Eyesight Improve - Guide for Healthy Tips

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