The Japanese have a very healthy habit of drinking water as soon as they wake up. It has also been proven that the health benefits of this habit help in the treatment of serious diseases. Drinking water after waking you will prevent and treat headaches, epilepsy, cardiovascular and renal diseases, diabetes, problems with the menstrual cycle, problems with the throat and nose, gastritis, etc.
Water treatment
You should drink 160 ml of water, 4 times, as soon as you wake up.
You can brush your teeth, but do not drink and do not eat anything for 45 minutes.
The next 2 hours after eating do not drink and do not eat anything.
At first it can be difficult to drink 4 glasses of water, so if you have problems with less, then gradually increase their amount every day.
For high blood pressure and diabetes practice method for 30 days.
For gastritis, practice the method for 10 days.
For the treatment of tuberculosis apply the method for 3 months.
Healthy people are also encouraged to practice this water treatment.
If you suffer from arthritis, you should practice this method for 3 days in the first week, then pause for 7 days, and then restart the method.
Why you should drink water on an empty stomach immediately after awakening! - Guide for Healthy Tips
The Japanese have a very healthy habit of drinking water as soon as they wake up. It has also been proven that the health benefits of this habit help in the tr
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