The way of our body is to contain the energy system of meridians, different from known systems, such as the lymphatic system, the nervous system, etc. The meridians are channels other than blood vessels, but with energy flowing in place of blood. They affect the body and metabolism in it.
These Chinese biological clocks can show us the intervals in which energy circulates through the body, and the strongest energy levels in the body area every two hours. If there are problems in this area, the symptoms are noticeable.
Only 12 meridians belonging to each main body. These are the lungs, large intestine, stomach, spleen, heart, small intestine, urinary bladder, heart area, kidney, duodenum, gall bladder and liver meridians. According to yin-yang, they are divided into six yin meridians and six yang. Yin meridians belong to organs that collect, store and process substances and energy: liver, lungs, spleen, heart, kidneys and heart area.
Yang meridians include organs that exchange and secrete substances and energy: the large intestine, stomach, small intestine, bladder, duodenum and gallbladder.
Chinese medicine and rhythm law rules say that the meridians work 24 hours, divided into 12 two-hour intervals. Each meridian has its peak when the opposite meridian reaches its low level.
A Chinese doctor always asks his patient first about what time of the day the symptoms have appeared. Knowing this, he understands where the problem comes from, or, more precisely, where the energy circulates with problems, or too much energy.
It is better to follow the biological clock and record the time of onset of symptoms. Also pay attention to the time of the day when you are very energetic, and when you wake up at night – it also implies that there is a problem in a certain part of the body.
Time of maximum function
1 – 3 AM – liver (detoxification, muscles and eyes)
3 AM – 5 AM – light (leather)
5 am – 7 am – colon (assimilation, elimination, skin)
7:00 – 9:00 – stomach (lymph, digestion)
9 am – 11 am – the spleen, pancreas (lymph, digestion)
11:00 – 13:00 – heart (blood circulation of the artery) Blog sobre salud
1 PM – 3 PM – small intestine (digestion, assimilation, arteries)
3 PM – 5 PM – bladder (bones, teeth, removal, cleaning)
17:00 – 19:00 – kidneys (bones, teeth, ears, filtration, elimination)
7 PM – 9 PM – cardiac layer (narrowing of blood vessels)
9 PM – 11 PM – duodenum (thermoregulation)
11:00 – 1:00 – gallbladder (digestion, muscles, eyes)
Time of minimum functions or rest
1:00 – 3:00 – small intestine (digestion, assimilation of arteries)
3 AM -5 AM – bladder (bones, teeth, removal of deposits)
5 am – 7 am – kidney disease (bones, teeth, ears, filtration, elimination)
7:00 – 9:00 – heart layer (narrowing of blood vessels)
9:00 – 11:00 – duodenum (thermoregulation)
11:00 – 13:00 – gall bladder (digestion, muscles, eyes)
1 hour – 3 hours – liver (detoxification, muscles and eyes)
15:00 – 17:00 – light (skin)
17:00 – 19:00 – colon (assimilation, elimination, skin)
7 PM – 9 PM – stomach (lymph, food and digestion)
9 pm – 11 pm – the spleen, pancreas (lymph, digestion)
11:00 – 1:00 – heart (blood circulation of artery)
One meridian (organ) has its highest energy level exactly when the other on the opposite side has the lowest level.
Take, for example, the liver: the highest energy levels are between 1 and 3 o’clock in the morning, and at this time the small intestine is at the lowest energy level. When you eat late and go to bed, food is poorly digested in the small intestine, so you need to avoid certain actions when the energy of the body participating in the activity is at the lowest level.
During maximum activity, all functions are enhanced. In cases of excess energy that falls on the system, they have symptoms, and this is the exact time to reduce excess energy.
If the body shows weakness during maximum activity, it should be strengthened. In addition to these hours, in natural medicine, there are many other means that can help with lack of energy, for example, with acupuncture, homeopathy, etc.
Chinese watches do not make mistakes - find out which body in your body is not working properly - Guide for Healthy Tips
The way of our body is to contain the energy system of meridians, different from known systems, such as the lymphatic system, the nervous system, etc. The meri
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